Mexican Cartel Leader El Mayo In Us Court After Being Set Up By El Chapos Son

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Mexican Cartel Leader Extradited to US Court on El Chapo's Son's Orders

El Mayo, a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa cartel, was extradited to the United States on Tuesday to face drug trafficking charges.

The extradition is a major victory for the US government, which has been trying to bring El Mayo to justice for years.

El Mayo, whose real name is Ismael Zambada GarcĂ­a, is one of the most powerful drug lords in Mexico. He is accused of trafficking cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines into the United States.

The extradition was the result of a long investigation by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The DEA worked with Mexican authorities to gather evidence against El Mayo and build a case against him.

El Mayo was arrested in Mexico in 2014, but he was released on bail in 2015. He remained a fugitive until his extradition this week.

El Mayo's extradition is a major blow to the Sinaloa cartel.

The cartel is one of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. It is responsible for trafficking large amounts of drugs into the United States.

El Mayo's extradition is a sign that the US government is serious about cracking down on drug trafficking. The extradition is also a warning to other drug lords that they will be held accountable for their crimes