Millions Of Mobile Customers Face Price Rises From Vodafone And Threes 15bn Merger

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Millions of mobile customers face price rises from Vodafone and Three's £15bn merger

Vodafone and Three have agreed to merge in a deal worth £15bn.

The merger will create the UK's largest mobile network operator, with a combined customer base of over 30 million people.

However, the deal could also lead to price rises for customers, as the two companies are likely to pass on the costs of the merger to their customers.

Ofcom, the UK's telecoms regulator, has said that it will investigate the merger to ensure that it does not lead to a decrease in competition or an increase in prices.

The merger is expected to be completed in early 2023.

What does the merger mean for customers?

The merger could have a number of implications for customers, including:

Should I be concerned about the merger?

The merger is a complex issue with a number of potential implications for customers.

It is important to weigh up the potential benefits and drawbacks of the merger before forming an opinion.

If you are concerned about the merger, you can contact Ofcom, the UK's telecoms regulator, to express your concerns.